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The 5 Main Reasons You Are Stuck at Good

1. When You Start to Move Away from ABC Poker… You Lose

Good players usually have a good understanding of solid ABC play. They understand position, relative hand strength, and are usually pretty decent at getting value from good hands. However, because they don’t have a fully developed and flexible thought process, they aren’t able to step out of this comfort zone. They find themselves limited to a more traditional form of playing because of the fact that every time they step out they tend to lose. It almost trains them to stick to playing basic, tight-aggressive poker.


2. The Confidence in Your Reads and the Inability to Follow Through

One of the major issues of good players is that they lack confidence. Sure every once in awhile they will make a great read or take a sick line but this is often very inconsistent, and it’s often with the comfort of pretty decent hands. Confidence does not always come from cards. It comes from knowing exactly where you are in a particular situation and having the ability to trust yourself to take the right course of action. This is something that good players struggle with.

3. Your Off-Table Understanding Doesn't Translate to In-Game Performance

This is probably the most interesting problem with good players. I call these “Gaps.” Gaps are when a player may be able to narrow an opponent's range or understand the correct line to take if they are given a lot of time and a pen and a paper. There is a gap between what they are capable of in theory and the level at which they can actually perform. And players are usually going to blame their gap issues on...

4. You Blame Way Too Much on Lack of Focus, Patience, Running Bad, or Game Selection

Most good players are decent enough to not complain about bad beats. But they always have other reasons for their lack of performance. “I am really good I just lose focus after 2 hours,” or “I play really well, I just run bad and lose and then I start playing poorly.” I hate to break it to you but… if you get affected by those little shifts in the game, it means you lack the ability to see those things coming, and don’t know yourself and your game well enough to hedge and account for those weaknesses. Most players’ higher level mistakes are masked by these types of problems. The number of players I have worked with who told me their only issue is tilt is absolutely insane. Tilt, focus, and attention are often giant masks for an inconsistent and rigid thought process.

5. Your Performance is Too Dependent on Sitting Down With The “Ideal” Type of Player

Sometimes you might have a session where you crush it and really play great poker. However, if you look closely you are going to find that these moments are often dependent on your opponents. You probably don’t have any issues playing against the really tight opponents or a specific type of aggressive player, but you struggle with players in between. You can probably determine preflop ranges for the players you are used to, but can’t adjust or figure out how to actually beat every table.

If you are tired of playing “Good” poker and want to make the change to “Great” poker, I have the solution.
A 12 Week Fully Guided Online Course Designed to Elevate Your Game from GOOD to GREAT

PHASE 1 (WEEKS 1 - 5)
Improving the Speed and Accuracy of Your Reads

If the goal is to get you to play higher level poker, we need to start with significantly improving the speed and accuracy of your reads. So many poker players consider odds and a solid understanding of math to be the foundational elements of poker and there really is no disputing that, but if we are talking about building a higher level thought process at the table, our foundation is going to be our ability to quickly assess our opponents and narrow their range. Most players lack one or the other, or both. They are either fast and operating off of instinct that is often incorrect, or they need too much time to actually narrow their opponent’s range. We will spend an entire month improving your ability to do this using several methods listed below.

PHASE 2 (WEEKS 6 - 10)
Taking the Line Less Traveled, Balancing Your Aggression, Establishing a Predictive Thought Process, & Determining Your Opponent’s “Why”

In our second month we are going to be focusing on getting you to break the shackles and start to establish creativity and a predictive thought process at the poker table. I will show you how taking radically different lines than you are used to can make a huge difference in your profits. I will also give you the skills, techniques, and languages to break down and exploit your opponents at much deeper levels than you are used to. In Month 1 we learn how to read our opponents. In Month 2, we will learn how to manipulate them at every level. We will also focus on systemizing your thoughts about your opponent's range so you can spend more time thinking about what your opponents are likely to do with that range of hands.

Creating, Testing, and Establishing Your Own Approach

One of the biggest problems with poker players is something that I call a “poker sense of self.” Players buy every single book, watch every video they can find. They are always searching for “the answer.” I am a big fan of self development and believe you should always work on your game. However, you need to establish a powerful confidence and belief in your own game. This is an absolutely essential aspect to playing great poker. You need to really believe that you are taking the correct line, making the right bet size, and playing the game the best that you can. Our third month is about strengthening your abilities and building your own systematic approach so you are comfortable, proud, and sure of the way you approach and play the game of poker. It may sound a little bit big picture, but it’s an absolutely essential part of a well-rounded game and it’s something that many players lack. We are also doing this so we can learn to see and attack these same weaknesses in our opponents.




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